Looking down the staircase at a flooded basement and a water-filled bucket at the bottom of the stairs.


Learn how to help prevent costly water damage and the different water leak detection systems with automatic shutoff valves available on the market today.

洪水s aren’t the only way water enters a home and causes damage to the foundation, 干墙和你的财产. 水害也不限于 地下室洪水. It can happen in a bathroom, laundry room, on the first floor or on the second floor. 不管原因是什么, a water leak detection system could help safeguard your home and prevent damage from water leaks.


An automatic water shutoff valve device detects potential water leaks by either monitoring flows in the pipe or by detecting water on the floor. 当流量不规则或检测到水分时, 这个阀门会自动切断你家的供水. This may help prevent a significant amount of the damage that water leaks can cause.


以下是一些制造商的名单及其联系方式. The descriptions were provided by the manufacturers and were not created by 状态 Farm®.

市场上可能会有其他具有类似安全功能的产品. This list is not meant to be a complete list nor does it imply that 状态 Farm has tested these products for performance. 州立农场既不认可也不保证这些产品的性能. 咨询你的承包商, 当地建筑官员, the product manufacturer or supplier to find the appropriate device for your situation.]

  • DynaQuip Controls - WaterCop Leak Detection and 汽车matic Water Shutoff System
    电话:800-545-3636或电子邮件: info@watercop.com
    “水警察”是久经考验的, proven leader in leak detection and automated shutoff solutions for more than 20 years. Our expansive product line offers innovative and advanced technology and we specialize in custom solutions for single family, 多家庭和商业应用. The product line includes a single-point shutoff system and whole house shutoff systems with a Single, 双, 室内, 户外, 大阀门(高达4英寸)和SmartConnect Wi-Fi移动应用程序. Our products are built in the USA using industrial strength, made-to-last and durable materials. We are proud recipient of "Best In Water Leak Detection" and "Top 5 Home Technology Trends" awards in 2020 and 2021. 当你在寻找满足你需求的解决方案时,相信专家. pg电子官方网页版,了解更多可能的折扣,请拨打800-545-3636.
  • FloLogic公司. - FloLogic系统
    电话:877-FloLogic(877-356-5644)或在www上输入优惠券代码STFMINS18F.flologic.收到1”,1 . Com的标价15%的折扣.5"或2" FloLogic系统. The FloLogic System is a premium flow-based leak detection and auto water shutoff smart valve that is capable of detecting and stopping leaks beginning as small as a half-ounce-per-minute in real time. FloLogic应用程序允许用户监控使用情况, 接收关闭警报并从任何地方控制他们的管道. 的USA-made, cast bronze valve is rated for indoor or outdoor installation and carries a 5-year warranty with battery backup.
  • Give系统公司. ——Aqua-Stop
    电话:800-681-7045或电子邮件: give@aqua-stop.com
    专为多公寓设计的系统, high rise buildings (new or old buildings with high level of difficulty in wireless transmission signals). Global supervision — multi-building monitoring with system owned by the client. 警报-电子邮件-短信-电话.
  • GreenField Direct - PipeBurst Pro
    电话:800-246-LEAK(5325)或电子邮件: info@greenfielddirect.com
    Complete home and business water protection with FloMeter and Point of Protection options. Monitor and control your water from anyw在这里 in the world with Internet access. 联系 PipeBurst Pro and mention 状态 Farm to receive up to a 20% discount off the current retail price from your local dealer/distributor. 没有其他折扣.脚注 1
  • 水英雄®-智能手机控制,互联网连接
    电话:617-819-4376或电子邮件: info@waterheroinc.com
    负担得起的, smartphone controlled whole home leak protection that provides peace-of-mind and saves money on your water bill. 功能包括远程和/或自动水关闭和文本/电子邮件警报. 备份电池包括. 我们有最广泛的单元尺寸范围,以保护任何家庭. Call or e-mail today and mention "状态FarmVIP" for exclusive discount and lock-in FREE temperature freeze alerts for life. 100%保证您的满意! 脚注 1
  • 水安全解决方案-需要帮助?
    电话:888-356-5644或电子邮件 info@wssus.com
    WSS can help you get the best insurance-compliant water leak detection system to fit your home and lifestyle at up to 20% OFF.脚注 1 您也可以参考我们的新 水™ system selector for an assessment of your home plumbing and 状态 Farm discounts on brands such as DROP – FLO by Moen – FloLogic – Phyn – StreamLabs – WaterCop – Leak Defense, 和更多的! 为商业, 独栋房屋, 还有多户共管公寓, with 水™ you can install with your trusted plumber or we can refer available local plumbers from our vast network of over 4,500年全国. 在订购或打电话或发邮件寻求现场帮助时提到“状态 Farm”!

返回参考文献 1 优惠有效期至2024年12月31日.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







The latest generation of remote home monitoring goes far beyond smoke detection and intrusion alerts. Multiple professional and do-it-yourself options are available to help make your home a smart home.


通过检查下水道来减少地下室下水道或排水管的损失, 安装水泵,减少回流.



淹没了地下室? 常见原因如何处理

潮湿的地下室问题可能会花费你数千美元. Here are steps to help identify the source of the water and ways to minimize your risk.